In this term we looked at space and space exploration. We started by looking back at the antient astronomers that paved the way for what we know today. We learned about Aristotle, Pytholmy, Copernicus, Isaac Newton, and Kepler. We discussed how the ideas around our universe changed and how religion shaped science. We also learned about Kepler's laws and the math of ellipses. For our action project we looked forward. We asked ourselves what challenges are facing the future of space exploration. We read articles from NASA and frontiers to get an understanding of the grand challenges and each of us picked one. I picked economical space travel. The economy of space has always been very interesting to me so this was a wonderful opportunity to learn more. I learned about how capitalism impacts space travel and those who are trying to make space travel accessible for those who can afford it. Citations: Image from: Wattles, Jackie. “Jeff Bezos Is Going to Space for 11 Minutes. Here'...