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Showing posts from September, 2021

Making a Space

Making a Space For this AP we focused on making our space usable for school and a place we would want to learn in. We discussed what defines a classroom. We took a field experience to Millenium Park to investigate what defines a classroom. As a school, we asked what it means to be a successful student and teacher at GCE. We discussed what we expect from ourselves and our teachers. The student body brainstormed the traits of a successful student and came up with a social contract for both the students and the teachers.   Social contract for students: We will work in a timely fashion. We will be curious. We will pay attention to the work, fellow students, and teachers. We will be encouraging. We will participate. We won't distract.   Social contract for teachers: We will accept feedback. We will be accommodating and flexible. We will be patient. We will have one on one time. We will be excited to teach! We will be understanding.   Both the student body and the teachers agre...

Listening in the park

Field experience reflection We went to Millennium park as a school to listen to the Sonic Pavilion Festival. These were soundscapes in the Pritzker Pavilion. We ate lunch and then walked over to listen. It was our first field experience of this school year. I was very interested in what we heard. We were thinking about what makes a classroom and how we use the space and senses around us. I was very inspired by this field experience. I listened to two different soundscapes. The first one was Fulcrum by Kitundu. Before reading the program, I thought the soundscape he produced sounded like birds flapping their wings. This was really interesting to me because I have two pet birds. It also sounded like cars going by on a busy street and going over potholes. After I read the program I learned that Kitundu was inspired by birds. It was nice to know that I perceived what he intended. His execution reflected his inspiration. We were instructed to draw what the sounds made us feel. Since the so...