Rhetoric action project In this project we explore rhetoric and how politicians can appeal to certain people. I was assigned Amy Klobuchar. She is a moderate democrat and we don't have all the same political views. I had to explore what she stood for and what question would be difficult for her to answer. I got to think about how politicians carefully pick their words to stand out to a chosen audience. IT was super interesting getting to try and change a message and a goal with what I wrote. _______________________________ Report e r: Hi Amy Klobuchar. As many have noticed, you represent a similar group as Joe Biden. If you were president how would you set yourself apart from him. Why should people vote for you instead of him? Amy Klobuchar : We may have some things in common but we both come from very different backgrounds.I am a woman in politics and I can bring in a different perspective than the past presidents who were all male. I understand the struggles wo...