I have always been unsure of what the meaning of life is. I used to spend my time before bed thinking about it. It was a question that used to really matter to me. At some point I decided that life didn't need a meaning. We are here and we don't know why, so might as well make the most of it. For me, fretting about it felt like it wasn't worth the time. It was causing me more stress than it felt worth. From what I could tell there was no true “answer.” Everyone has different ideas and you can exist without coming to a conclusion. This action project required me to push out of my comfort zone and think about it. For this action project I interviewed my mother after school, in the yard. She and I have always been close but I had no clue what her idea of the meaning of life was before this project. Growing up she taught me empathy and how to form my own beliefs but I didn’t know hers! I was very excited to talk to her about this. My mom’s life has had many changes and she was...