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We are judging

over 99% of women have been cat called and that isn't how the world is supposed to be. In this unit we explored changing the world with art. We visited memorials and discussed what makes something effective rhetorically.

There hasn't been many consequences for cat callers.I want to connect coniquences with those who catcall. This topic is sort of brushed off as something that happens to every woman and is therefore normal. It should not be that way. Cat calling shouldn't be so common in today's society. Those who do it are often frowned upon but since it is often a stranger, nothing happens. I want to show men how women feel about those who do it and I want to connect societal judgement as a consequence. Women get told horrible things on the street. It can be scary and why should we let women be scared? What is stopping men from standing up for women? Why do so many just turn the other way when they see this happening? It is truly disgusting. This has been going on for so long with such little action. 13% of women are cat called by the age of 10. Over 99 percent of women have been street harassed. Over 99 percent. Almost every woman deals with it. This art work would be posted as a poster. I chose photos because it is so easy to connect to real people. Paintings can be hard to feel emotions towards.



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