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Transporting to the future

Transporting to the future

In this class we learned about the future and what we can to to design the future in the class "Redesign the future." Saving the environment is the name of the game. We went to Rheaply and learned about circular economies and how we can implement them into our life and our world. We looked at systems and how looking at how things connect can allow our ideas to be more effective and more informed. We went out into the city and looked at how we can improve the systems in place. 

I learned a lot in the creation of this project. I never really looked subjectively at the way the city's trains are mapped out until now. There are clear areas on the south side that have no train lines while part of the north side are packed with them. Part of having a sustainable city is having a reliable public transit system. I designed a train line with that in mind along with a more accessible train platform. I tried to 3D print my platform but no matter what I did I couldn't get it to print. I ended up sticking with my tinkercad design. Its easy to navigate and looks very clean. I am really proud of my map and I began to really understand the structure of the city. This project meant a lot to me and overall I am very proud.


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