How can we combine old and new media to express ourselves? That is the question I am asking with this final presentation. I wanted to combine the old and the new uniquely. At school, we have access to a 3D printer and realized that this is a new medium. I enjoy acrylics and working with moving shapes. I managed to combine all of these by printing articulated slugs and then painting them. They can wiggle. They are cool as is but I wanted more. I turned them into jewelry so I could wear them and show off my artwork. I was inspired by nature and also wanted to represent that. Slugs are real living organisms and exist in nature. I got to work with many media and got to play with colors in a way I haven't previously explored. I did some research into the price of making these slugs. It is surprisingly unaccessible and can be expensive to be able to 3d print at will. I did the pricing of 2 different printers with the other supplies to make the slugs. Slug pricin...