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The contradiction of no distinction


     In this unit called antithesis, we learned about amendments and how to respond to arguments. We talked to several aldermen and got to learn about the inner workings of government in the city. We visited an immigration court and discussed inalienable rights. We got to explore many points of views and learned how to write an effective amendment. We were given the opportunity to write an amendment for the student handbook.

The contradiction of no distinction

      At GCE lab school there is no distinction between excused and unexcused absences. This is not fair for the student population. This school tries to care a lot about its students. We have a committee focused around the students' wellness yet we ignore possible reasons pupils may be out of school.
This is what the school has to say about absences:

      The first of our four commitments is that we will Be Present. It is critical that students attend their obligations whenever reasonably possible. We recognize that some circumstances require that students prioritize their obligations and compel difficult decisions. There are times that we recommend student absence, including cases of student illness, family emergency, and remarkable opportunities. Nevertheless, every absence precludes a student’s full participation in the program at GCE and has consequences for the student’s peers.
      We worry that language of “excused” absence trivializes students’ attendance. Certainly, there are absences consequent to illness or family emergency that recommend our forbearance. Additionally, there are planned absences, as for a college visit, athletic contest, or medical appointment. Other absences may be unplanned or unexplained. In every case, parents are notified. GCE keeps notes regarding the occasion of student absences, which notes may inform relevant disciplinary or academic proceedings. 
When a student can anticipate an absence they are responsible to communicate with teachers and plan work accordingly so as not to fall behind. When possible, students should provide teachers with at least one week’s notice of absence and work with the teacher to create a plan to make up for missed class time. Students will be allowed to submit work due and take in-school assessments prior to leaving school (but not after).

      The code says,” whenever reasonably possible” about attendance. This emphasis on “reasonably possible” goes against the lack of distinction between excused and unexcused. It is not reasonable to forgo making a distinction. Many students go to school when ill to avoid being marked absent. Pupils going to school sick is not reasonable. It is not reasonable to pressure students into ignoring their needs instead of an education.
The code also says, ”We worry that language of “excused” absence trivializes students’ attendance.” How does this trivialize absences? Students being sick is not a trivial matter. It is the wellness of the students and the school environment. Just look at how 90% of employees turn up to work sick according to a Fox business study. Dr. Janette Nesheiwat says ”reasoning includes having too much work to do, not having enough sick days and feeling pressure from employers to be present” as the reason employees go to work sick. This causes contagious illnesses to be passed around. The lack of excused absences is a form of pressure from the school administration to come to school, even when it may not be in the other students' favor. 
      Part of the handbook says, “Procedures and decisions are based on the School’s philosophy of balancing the needs of the student with those of the community as a whole.” If GCE cares so much about the students and the community’s needs then why do we allow students to feel this pressure to come to school when ill? I'm not talking about wants here. Recovering from illness is important to your health. 
      There is a clear contradiction when GCE says, “There are times that we recommend student absence,” and, “We worry that language of “excused” absence trivializes students’ attendance.” there is a recommendation for absence at certain times yet those who are absent get punished on their transcript. It is as if an employee is told to ask for help but gets written up as soon as they do. This school tries to prepare us for the “real world.” In jobs, you can get medical leave if necessary and you can legally not get fired for medical reasons. There is often support and sometimes a union that wants to fight for you. Here we don't have the option for medical leave. Ditching school gives you an unexcused absence. Having surgery and missing school because of that also gets you an unexcused absence. Someone getting surgery is seen as the same as someone ditching in the records. These records are sent to colleges and they have real-world consequences.
      Amending this would allow students to be able to recover without the stress of college breathing down your neck. There have been times where I felt guilty about staying homesick so I went to school when I probably shouldn't have. This would allow for a healthier environment overall. 
      This is all related to the 8th amendment in the constitution. The 8th amendment prohibits cruel or unusual punishment. There is the right to not be punished for being sick. Every person has rights. There is no harm to others for not going to school. This country is known for having the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Being pressured to come to school sick directly contradicts this. Life should be put before punishment. Human life is fragile and having this lack of distinction between excused and unexcused punishes the pupils of GCE.
      There was a school in North Carolina that suffered an epidemic. There were 30 kids with symptoms Friday and by next Friday 160 kids were homesick. This couldn't have happened if kids stayed home as soon as they showed symptoms. This happens when kids come in while ill. They interact and spread. This is not fair to the other students at all. People deserve to be able to come to school without getting sick.
     This image shows a child sick in the hospital from the flu: a preventable disease. Not every kid can get shots, and some things don't even have vaccines for them yet. I know people who have come to school with flu symptoms due to administrative pressure. There are claims of little to no pressure, but the lack of distinction between excused and unexcused says otherwise.
      I propose children should be given excused absences with a parental call or a doctor's note. Part of the worry is faking notes and lying to get an excused absence. Calls are can be rather hard to fake and doctors' notes are often written professionally. If a child misses more than 15% of the semester then they have a meeting with administration and parents. This will give a chance for the school and the parents to assess the pupil’s needs.
      In response to this GGS said, “I agree, there is a contradiction in the handbook on absences and it should not be overlooked.” I believe I do have the support to change this policy and to add excused absences to the transcript. This is a lab school after all. We are always looking for ways to change for the better and I think excused absences should be a part of that.

Stabile, Angelica. “90% Of Employees Attend Work Sick: Study.” Fox Business, Fox Business, 13 Jan. 2020, 
“U.S. Constitutional Amendments.” Findlaw, 
Rabin, Roni Caryn. “How to Know When a Child's Flu Turns Serious.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 7 Feb. 2018, 

MOHNEY, GILLIAN. “Mystery Illness Cited as Dozens of NC Students Stay Home Sick.” ABC News, ABC News Network, 27 May 2015, 


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