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Upperclassmen Sex Education

This was our first unit of social entrepreneurship. We learned about how businesses work and about people get along. We also learned about human psychology and different systems that can be put in place. This was a really interesting unit because I got to think about things that I had never considered. I got to think about how employees interact with organizations themselves to create a productive, healthy environment.

GCE lab school does not offer a sex ed program for upper classmen and there should be. Sex ed has many important factors and helps the community as a whole. To learn more about what the upperclassmen want from gce I asked some questions. I also asked the staff since it would be imperative that I have their cooperation if this is something the school considers. I asked questions about how students felt about the sex ed they had received at GCE and asked about what they felt was lacking. I am leaving all the students and one of the staff anonymous for their comfort.

In response to the question, “Would you like to have sex ed for upperclassmen? If so, what would that look like?” someone said, “Nah, I feel like the upperclassmen kind of already know all the stuff sex ed goes over by that point. Either through independent research or experience.” Their answer is very understandable but also we have to take into account not everyone has the resources to do independent research. Every student has access to different information and a collective sex ed class would help make sure that all the upperclassmen have the same knowledge. Even if students learn stuff online we can not verify that the information they have is accurate or from a trustworthy source.

Sex ed also isn’t just about sex, it includes anatomy, substance use, mental health, and gender identity. Generally students learn about what they are interested in during their free time. A lot of these topics are important to understanding others and not just yourself. Even if you don't find them interesting it can give you more perspective and allow you to handle future situations you may be put in a lot more comfortably. 

When I asked about what parts could be improved about the sex ed program at GCE, two students made complaints about how short the program is. One student said, “It could of been longer as opposed to only having it for like four times a year.” and another said, “If I remember correctly we only had the class a few times. I know other schools have the class for longer.” The curriculum is incredibly short and students often aren't able to get all the information they need from the class. There are so many different topics that need to be covered in a sex ed class and with such a short time you can’t dive in as deep as needed. One staff member even agreed stating, “Frankly, no. I think we need to spend more time on this subject,” when I asked if they thought the sex ed at GCE was adequate. Underclassmen get three weeks of sex annually and that is no where near enough. When I went to a different school we spent an entire quarter focused on sex ed. This also covered topics such as mental health, substance use, and anatomy. Even then I walked away from the class feeling as if I hadn't learned enough.

As we know there are different types of learners. Not everyone fits into one category. For a class to only last three weeks that doesn't give enough time for every style of learner to be involved and sufficiently educated. Some students could benefit from diagrams (spatial learner) while others could find it helpful to have small group discussions (interpersonal learner.) With such a short span of time spent on sex ed there wont be enough time for there to be small group conversations, individual journal prompts, interactive activities, and anatomy lessons. To not have all of these neglect individual students. Those who are mathematical learners could benefit from being taught more about the science behind sex and the human body. Intrapersonal learners could find it helpful to have individual journal prompts where they can reflect on what they know and what they need to learn more about. This time constraint forces students into a position where only a few may get the opportunity to learn in the style that benefits them. has three different learning styles referenced on their site and their test, auditory, visual, and tactile. They have a test with 20 questions that is made to help you understand what type of learner you are. With knowing what type you are you are better able to adjust the way you learn to get a better understanding of the material. 

Commons is something that everyone has access to and is not privately owned. This would be a school commons because information is a common. All the students deserve to have access to knowledge about their bodies and the choices they get to make. This shouldn’t just be a luxury for the lower classmen.

The needs that having an upper classmen sex ed class would fill:


Following your morals all around and feeling like you know where you lay.


This is feeling good about yourself. Consent is an important part of respecting others. The class would teach consent and self respect. 


Sexual relationships can be a thing that brings people closer. Information about romantic relationships and healthy friendships would be taught. 


It will help teach people how to have safe sex. Since the class would be longer there could be a deeper dive into what is safe sex and different aspects of safe sex including pregnacy precautions, sti information and knowledge around consent and what consent counts as.


Sex is in these needs. People will have sex regardless if they are taught about it but this will teach students how to make more informed decisions about sex. 

My goal is to have 6 weeks of annual sex ed for upper classmen by 2023. When I went to a cps school we had around 20 weeks of sexual education during our time there. GCE only has 6 weeks total of sex ed. When thinking about the cost of covering a teacher we could have a fundraiser. 

Option one: During school

This option would take place during school. It would be a weekly class and would be taught by Scout. This would have to be 30 days throughout the entire school year to be equivalent to 6 school weeks. Every upperclassman would be required to take it and it would be taught to each class and not as the seniors and juniors together. This would be graded. 

Option two: Before/after school

This option would be either before or after school. This would not be required but would count towards a health and wellness credit. This would be twice a week and would have attendance counted but not have graded assignments. 


The sex ed that we do give the lower classmen is very inclusive and highlights different sexualitites. 


It is only for lower classmen and since we do get a lot of transfer students, a lot of students wont have a sex ed class.

The sex ed classes didn’t occur often.


We have a good relationship with Chicago's Women's Health Center and can contact them for resources. 


Not all parents are comfortable with their children learning more in depth sex ed.

A lot of students are well informed about sex ed subjects and would get bored.


PHEAA. What's Your Learning Style? 20 Questions, 2020, 

CPS. “Sexual Health Education.” Chicago Public Schools, 0AD, 

Time4Learning. “What Are the Different Learning Styles?” Time4Learning, 0AD, 



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