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Fancy Fidgets

 In this unit we learned a lot about how businesses work and the legal structures. We talked about social good that businesses can do. I never thought about what goes on behind the scenes so this was a very good opportunity for me to understand how so much of the world works. We created our own business plan for our own real or fictional business. We discussed taxation and how would our taxing work. I feel like I learned a lot from this unit. 

Fancy Fidgets

At Fancy Fidgets we will supply fidgets for professionals. Many fidget toys are loud and have distracting bright colors that are not suitable for a workplace. We want to make fidget toys more accessible in professional environments and lead us to a fidget friendly world. Our fidgets would not make sound or draw attention with bright colors. They would be wearable and accessible. Many people need fidgets to focus on their work. We would sell our products online. We would ship all throughout America to begin and grow as we need. Fancy Fidgets would grow by coming out with new products and through innovative sales techniques. We would donate fidgets to therapy offices so patients can get a feel of our product and order their own. We already have several people who are interested in investing. We would hire those who are neurodivergent and disabled too which would allow us to have more empathetic designs and a unique perspective. It is important to us that we have transparency with our customers. We would tell them where we manufacture and make sure that all of our items and materials are ethically sourced. This would markup the price a bit but it would be worth it and bring us customers who care about ethics. Since a majority of our customers would be professional adults we would not have to be overly concerned about accessible pricing. Legally we would be a corporation. This is the best option for us due to our intended size. We are starting out with six people on our team. All of them have their own roles and responsibilities. We will continue to grow the size of our staff as we need. According to Doctor Harriet Dempsey-Jones, fidgeting can help us handle stress, especially for those with ADHD. In fast paced office environments this would help calm the neurodivergent employees. Our products are for professionals with ADHD or who are neurodivergent. 10% of our overall profits would also go to CHADD, an organization to raise awareness for ADHD. This would connect to SDG 10 which is reduced inequalities. Our expenses would include owning our domain, buying products, mailing products, paying our employees, and advertising. We would get money from selling our fidgets. I hope you are interested in Fancy Fidgets.Roles:Marketing/quality control-
Reaches out to therapy practices and work places
Contact with customers if they are unhappy
Designs fidgets
Website handling-
Makes and runs website
Designs advertisements
Posts on social media
Buys ad spots
Figures out pricing
Person who communicates with manufacturer-
Talks with manufacturers
Makes sure they understand what is going on
Book keeper-
Handles finances and keeps track of orders
Packages orders
Ships things out
Sources:Harriet Dempsey-Jones Postdoctoral Researcher in Clinical Neurosciences. “The Surprising Science of Fidgeting.” The Conversation, 11 June 2020, Isbister, Katherine. “Fidget Toys Aren't Just Hype.” Scientific American, Scientific American, 18 May 2017, 


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