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Health care for all!

This unit we looked into human rights and the way things may change for the future. We never know what will happen but we can imagine what might. We read articles from the past and brainstormed about what is next. We thought about intersectionality and how activism is used to forward our nation. I feel like I learned a lot about empathy this unit. I really felt like I got to understand how things work. We looked at weather or not things are social constructs and had very interesting discussions about that. I got to see perspectives I didn't consider and I am grateful to have had this opportunity.

The year is 2121. Heath care has finally been made a human right in America. Let's take a peak into the future.

Health care for all

Every American has the right to their health, treatment, and prevention of disease or sickness. No human, organization, or financial standing, can interfere with a person's access to health care. This includes and is not limited to injury, disease, and mental illness.

The United States government has implemented a 28th amendment that makes universal health care a reality. This past Thursday the house of representatives and the US senate met to discuss and vote. "Every human has the right to healthcare and the ability to live" Representative Andrews said, "I don’t know why we had to wait so long for this change but I am grateful I got to see it in my lifetime." There have been large gatherings and parties in celebration of this event all over the nation.

This amendment specifically addresses the differences in care that those with less money face. Access to money can no longer prevent treatment or prevention of any physical or mental struggle. This includes the ability for everyone to have access to mental health evaluations. It has been notoriously expensive to get a diagnosis for many neuro divergent people. How many will get access to the accommodations they need but were never able to get.

One person celebrating said, “I have waited so long to go to the doctor for this lump in my breast for fear of the cost. Now I can go without putting my ability to afford rent on the line.” For many disabled people this is the best news they have heard in a long time. Health care was often tied to work and those who couldn't work due to physical ailment were unable to get treatment that would allow them to work. There will no longer be a financial reason to avoid the doctor even when you need to go. “I am excited to be able to get the treatment I need to be able to visit my grandchild,” one man tweeted. This is a new chapter and new amendment for America. Something that hasn’t been seen for a long time.

(LM, patient and play. 2021)

Amendment: Every American has the right to their health, treatment, and prevention of disease or sickness. No human, organization, or financial standing, can interfere with a person's access to health care. This includes and is not limited to injury, disease, and mental illness.


The net 28th amendment is pro capitalist. Prior to this healthcare was closely tied to your job. This meant people often couldn’t leave their job and start their own businesses. I was able to start my own business because I could afford the health care that I could purchase on the market. For me and my family it 4000$ a month. We paid over 45,000$ a year to be able to live. I had won the lottery for 5 million dollars so I didn’t have to worry about this. If I had not won I wouldn't have been able to take the risk and start my company. Now this company has 3000 employees and has caused positive economic growth. It took 2 years for the company to be large enough to cover my insurance. In that time I had to pay 90,000 out of pocket to an insurance company.

I want more people to feel like they are not tied to where they work with their health. Your physical needs should not be risked when leaving a business. Every person should be able to start their own business. Isn’t that the American dream after all? So many people come to America looking for a place to be safe and to chase the American dream. We denied people of that dream by keeping them at the same jobs that took away their livelihoods. The country should see so much economic growth and so many new opportunities. I can not wait to see how we change and grow. This is a new chapter of capitalism where people can create new businesses without being tied down with their bodies. We may be the last first world country to get here but we made it. Now lets see where it takes us.


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